Neuromuscular Re-education
Neuromuscular Re-education focuses on working with children to gain or regain proper use of muscles that are not working in the most effective manner. In order to achieve neuromuscular re-education, the forced use concept is often used. An example would be manually assisting a 7-month-old child who sustained a brain bleed in utero to sustain the quadruped crawling position, even though s/he cannot perform the task on his/her own. While in this active weight-bearing position, the child will ideally experience muscle activation achieved through a reflexive type response.
Eventually, this can become more volitional and the child will begin performing movement with the affected arm and leg in all positions and specifically in the crawling position on his/her own and with less assistance. Each child is different, however, by putting him/her in a position and environment where s/he can participate in neuromuscular re-education, significant improvements can be achieved.