by Brandon Cook | Oct 19, 2021 | Balance & Gait
Balance and Gait Physical Therapy at Therapy SPOT Bellaire focuses on improving the balance and walking patterns of individuals of all ages. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing a neurological condition, or looking to enhance your stability, our team is...
by Brandon Cook | Oct 18, 2021 | Pediatric Services, Pediatric Speech Therapy, Uncategorized
Oral motor skills include the skills necessary for coordination of the muscles of the mouth in order to produce the sounds and movements needed for both speech skills and feeding skills. When a child has oral motor challenges, his/her brain knows what it wants to say,...
by Brandon Cook | Oct 18, 2021 | Pediatric Services, Pediatric Speech Therapy, Uncategorized
Feeding is a process that begins with the oral phase. This means bringing food to the mouth, chewing it, and moving it to the back of the throat. Next comes the pharyngeal phase. This involves closing off the airway and swallowing the food. Finally, the esophageal...
by Brandon Cook | Oct 18, 2021 | Pediatric Services, Pediatric Speech Therapy
Receptive language refers to the way that a child understands language. Children may have difficulty understanding age-appropriate vocabulary and/or concepts, body language, following directions, turn-taking, and answering questions. Our speech therapists use...
by Brandon Cook | Oct 18, 2021 | Pediatric Services, Pediatric Speech Therapy
Expressive language refers to the way that a child communicates with others. A child may have difficulty verbalizing his/her wants and needs or asking questions. Children may struggle with constructing sentences using age appropriate vocabulary and syntax. Sometimes...