Phantom Limb Pain

What is Phantom Limb Pain? Phantom limb pain is a painful or unpleasant sensation in a body part that has been amputated. The sensation may occur immediately following surgery, or years later. Phantom pain is different from stump pain (or residual limb pain), which is...

Pelvic Pain

What Is Pelvic Pain? Pelvic pain is felt in the lower abdomen, pelvis, or perineum and is considered to be “chronic” when it lasts for more than 6 months. Pelvic pain can be caused by: Pregnancy and childbirth, when changing hormone levels can affect the...

Patellofemoral Pain

What is Patellofemoral Pain? Patellofemoral pain syndrome refers to pain at the front of the knee, in and around the kneecap. (The kneecap, or patella, is the triangle-shaped bone at the front of the knee joint. The pain usually is accompanied by tenderness along the...

Parkinson’s Disease

What is Parkinson’s Disease? Parkinson’s disease is related to a loss of nerve cells in your brain that produce a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is an important factor in controlling movement. The exact cause of PD is not yet known. Family history,...

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