by BellairePT | Jul 30, 2013 | Blog
I recently took a course on the benefits of functional MRI and PET scans in rehabilitation. I began to think about how else PET and MRI can be used and I discovered this fascinating article on love and the effects it has on the brain. Neuroscience. 2012 Jan... by BellairePT | Jul 17, 2013 | Blog, Uncategorized
I recently spoke at a meeting for the Harris County Parkinsons Foundation and I discussed the science behind different phenotypes wihing Parkinsosns that explain why some people have freezing gait and oher do not. I also found it very interesting that there was a...
by BellairePT | Jul 17, 2013 | Blog, Uncategorized
Here are the hip exercises I would like you to begin with 1. Sidely Clams 2. Supine piriformis stretch 3. Supine bilateral bridging 4. Standing hamstring stair stretch by BellairePT | Jun 11, 2013 | Blog, Uncategorized
The patient presented with shoulder blade and arm pain, had already been to the ER and was dismissed with pain medication. During the 15 minute screen I recommended he call his MD and suggest AB for an infection that likely resulted in a clogged lymph node. Pt... by BellairePT | Jun 11, 2013 | Blog
There are 4 basic exercises to begin all shoulder strengthening programs. 1. Prone shoulder extension 2. Prone shoulder abduction below 90 deg with internal rotation 3. Sidely shoulder external rotation 4. Sidely shoulder flexion...