by BellairePT | Oct 1, 2021 | Blog, Featured Blog, Pain
A car accident can take many different forms, ranging from minor scratches and bruises to major injuries like concussions and spinal cord injuries. Most people who have been involved in a car accident will experience some degree of pain.
by BellairePT | Jun 2, 2021 | Blog, Featured Blog
I will admit it, I am a do-it-yourself kind of guy. When the starter on my 2002 Toyota Camry died, I decided that with the help of YouTube I could change the starter and save money on mechanic fees. Two hours and one lacerated right thumb later, I had a new starter... by BellairePT | Jun 18, 2020 | Blog
Muscles move you. Muscle tissue is designed to lengthen and shorten as it moves the joint by pulling on the bone it attaches to. There are 3 types of common exercises performed to strengthen a muscle; eccentric, concentric, and isometric. Eccentric and concentric... by BellairePT | Apr 13, 2020 | Blog
A patient recently asked me “Why does my arm feel like it is on fire and with pins and needles while my MRI does not show any compression of the nerve?” This is a great question and one that many people can echo. While it has been reported that 92% of...
by BellairePT | Apr 5, 2020 | Blog, Featured Blog
Try these 8 exercises to help improve your foot or ankle pain.Follow the Link to...