by BellairePT | Mar 22, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
The shoulder is an inherently unstable joint. This is the tradeoff for having all the mobility it affords. Shoulder injuries are in the top 5 of injuries that a patient will pursue surgery to repair. It is widely believed that physical therapy (PT) is not as necessary...
by BellairePT | Mar 21, 2017 | Blog
One of the most common complaints by patients with rotator cuff tears (RTC) is sleep disturbance. It is commonly believed that surgery will improve this problem, however, it is unclear how many patients truly report improved sleep following RTC surgery. Physical... by BellairePT | Jan 2, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
The patient is an otherwise healthy 56 year old white male involved in an MVA resulting in loss of consciousness. The patient was admitted to a local trauma hospital where MRI and X ray imaging revealed a C2 grade 3 fracture and right ulnar dislocation. The patient... by BellairePT | Nov 22, 2015 | Blog, Uncategorized
It was a typical Wednesday for us at the office. I was treating patients, my wife and office manager Tova was organizing the schedule, sending the requests for payment from the insurance company, and filing the referrals from other providers. The phone rang and Tova... by BellairePT | Sep 9, 2015 | Blog, Uncategorized
BELLAIRE PHYSICAL THERAPY ADDS THE ALTER G Hit the ground running… But don’t hit the ground too hard… It’s not too late to help your body defy gravity by walking or running on the AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill. With increased patient...