HEP Ankle and Foot

Lower leg and ankle

  • ABC’s
  • Drawing your name with your big toe
  • AROM long sitting inversion, eversion, PF, DF
  • Resisted PF standing bilateral heel raise, single leg raise,
  • Theraband resisted in long sitting leg up on half foam


  • calf stretch, towel pick up, self massage on tennis ball, dry needling,


  • Rhomberg eyes open and closed, stable and unstable surface, head lateral and vertical rotation with eyes open/closed, stable and unstable surface
  • Tandem eyes open and closed, stable and unstable surface, head lateral and vertical rotation with eyes open/closed, stable and unstable surface
  • SLS eyes open and closed, stable and unstable surface, head lateral and vertical rotation with eyes open/closed, stable and unstable surface
  • Toe taps unilateral, alternating, hops, backwards walking

Presets Color
