At Therapy SPOT – Bellaire we take our word very seriously. We will only refer you to a provider whom we have the utmost trust in and respect for. Below is a list of medical professionals or business that we feel comfortable referring our patients to. Please feel free to ask us about anyone on this list.
- Dr. Uday Khosla- Nephrology
- Dr. Adam Weglein- Non- surgical sports medicine
- Dr. Marshall Frumin- Orthopedic surgeon
- Dr. Marc Stock-podiatrist
- Dr. Richard Waghalter – dentist
- Associates in Medicine -internal medicine- Dr. Shari Rubin, Dr. Josh Septimus, Dr. Timberly Gilford,
- Dr. Shari Rubin, Dr. Josh Septimus, Dr. Timberly Gillford, Dr. Ronnie Sheena
- Dr. Richard Jackson-VIP – general practice
- Dr. Jerry Silverman, podiatric surgeon
- Pediatrician- Dr. Alex Injac, Dr. Lara Finilla, Dr. David Cotler
- Cardiology- Dr. Rubin
- Rehumatology- Dr. Abigain Nieman
- Orthotist-Hanger clinic
- Prosthetist- Fred at Gulf Prosthetics, Stony at Hanger clinic
- Neurology-Dr. Igor Churches
- Neurosurgeon-
- Opthamology- Dr. Malcom Mazo
- Dr. Gloria Nemeroff, Audiology
- Speech Therapy- Therapy Connections
- Occupational therapy-
- Dental- Dr. Austria