by BellairePT | May 7, 2023 | Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Services, Uncategorized
“Sensory Integration is the processing, integration, and organization of sensory information from the body and the environment.” (Ayres, 1994) The sensory integrative process shows how the interactions between sensory systems provide integrated information that... by BellairePT | Sep 22, 2022 | Blog
Transitioning from Newborn to Baby by Chani Stewart OTR You and your baby have made it through the first few weeks of life! The perpetual exhaustion of parenting a newborn is ready to be replaced with smiles and new motor milestones. It is just so exciting to watch...
by BellairePT | Oct 20, 2021 | Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Services
Visual-motor skills are the ability of the eye muscles to work effectively to take in the visual information from the world around us. The processing of that visual information is referred to as “visual perception.” Children who experience challenges in the areas of...
by BellairePT | Oct 18, 2021 | Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Services, Uncategorized
Children at times benefit from splinting in order to support, immobilize, or protect the arm or hand. Splints may also be used to facilitate increased range of motion or support function. Occupational therapists make custom splints for children or recommend...
by BellairePT | Oct 18, 2021 | Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Services, Uncategorized
Challenges with sustained attention may be due to difficulty with integration of sensory input. Often parents describe their children’s behavior as “all over the place,” “always on the move,” or “can’t sit still.” Some children cannot “shut out” the lights, sounds,...