Understanding Your Diagnosis

How long will this take ? Please take a few minutes to read this article to better understand your diagnosis and prognosis. There is no method to identifying an exact length of time it will take to recover from an injury. In medicine we use something called...

Shoulder Labral Tear

An unstable shoulder joint can be the cause or the result of a labral tear. “Labral” refers to the glenoid labrum—a ring of cartilage that surrounds the base of the shoulder joint. Injuries to the labrum are common, can cause a great deal of pain, and may...
Have you been told by your doctor that you need surgery?

Have you been told by your doctor that you need surgery?

Have you been told by your doctor that you need surgery? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of older Americans have surgery each year. For most surgeries, you will have time to find out about the operation, talk about other treatments with your surgeon (medical...

BK or McD? PT or MD?

I can’t comment on Burger King or McDonald’s since I’ve never eaten at either, however I’d like to address a common question that comes my way. Who Should I See First? My Doctor or a PT? Patient Examination Many patients continue to ask if a...

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