Was His Pain Cancer?

A Cancer Rehabilitation Story Providing a dynamic diagnosis method part 2 In this second newsletter I would like to follow up with the interesting case that I shared with you last week. As a reminder, a new patient called for an appointment due to the onset of...

Tennis Elbow

Did they choose this picture because of his swing or his good looks? Most people who get tennis elbow don’t play tennis! In fact, less than 5% of all cases of tennis elbow occur in people who play tennis. Tennis elbow can happen to anyone who repeatedly uses...
Barefoot Running?

Barefoot Running?

Barefoot versus shoe running: from the past to the present. Kaplan Y. Author information Abstract INTRODUCTION: Barefoot running is not a new concept, but relatively few people choose to engage in barefoot running on a regular basis. Despite the technological...

Runners Program

Sports Med. 2014 Nov 18. [Epub ahead of print] The Effect of Footwear on Running Performance and Running Economy in Distance Runners. Fuller JT1, Bellenger CR, Thewlis D, Tsiros MD, Buckley JD. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND: The effect of footwear on running...

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