by BellairePT | Oct 18, 2021 | Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Services, Uncategorized
A child’s main occupation is PLAY! It is his or her primary method of learning, developing, interacting, and growing. Play encompasses a variety of areas, including: gross-motor, fine-motor, sensory-motor, pretend, and most importantly, interaction with others. Using...
by BellairePT | Oct 18, 2021 | Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Services, Uncategorized
“Self-regulation is the organized state of behavior that allows an individual to successfully adapt behavior to match environmental demands.” (Boekaerts, Pintrich, & Zeidner, 2000) When children present with difficulty regulating their behavior, often seen as...
by BellairePT | Oct 18, 2021 | Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Services
Handwriting is an important skill for all school-age children. Although it may seem simple, writing is actually a complex activity that challenges hand strength and coordination, visual-motor and perceptual skills, bilateral coordination for use of both hands...
by BellairePT | Oct 18, 2021 | Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Services
Fine motor skills refer to skills that require small, precise movements of the hands and fingers. They include all hand-related activities and skills, from strength and coordination to distal motor control. Fine motor skills involve the ability to use age-appropriate...
by BellairePT | Oct 18, 2021 | Diagnoses & Conditions, Featured Blog, Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Services
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) ADLs are all functional age-appropriate activities that are performed throughout the day. Children of different ages are expected to be able to complete different tasks with different levels of independence. Occupational therapists...