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Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic Exercise is essential to regain strength and mobility for recovery from any problem. Whether you are working to reduce pain, improve function, or recovering from a surgery, we have the expertise you need to move forward.Many of our aches and pains arise...
Post- Op

Post- Op

Post Operative Rehab There are so many types of surgeries that it would require multiple websites to list and describe each surgical procedure. Not only that, but let’s face it, no one can be an expert on everything. There are some common surgeries that are...
Alter G- The AntiGravity Treadmill

Alter G- The AntiGravity Treadmill

The AntiGravity Treadmill At Therapy SPOT - Bellaire, we help people change the way they live. Physical Therapy Evaluation Using the Alter G for Degenerative Disc Disease and Amputees AlterG, Inc. is dedicated to getting people moving.  Everyday, AlterG® is...
Sports and Manual Therapy

Sports and Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy is an integral part of our treatments to ensure optimal restoration of pain-free movement. We are bombarded with advertisements for the next best drug, yet we rarely ask ourselves if a pill (a chemical) is the best way to address our painful movement...
Vestibular Rehab

Vestibular Rehab

Vestibular Rehab A physical therapy evaluation to determine your specific vestibular disorder is paramount to a proper resolution The Vestibular System is the part of the inner ear and the brain that process sensory information that contribute to your balance control....

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