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Functional Capacity Exam Dr. Abraham Lieberman, PT, DPT is the director of rehabilitation at Therapy SPOT - Bellaire and personally performs all the functional Capacity Examinations (FCE). Therapy SPOT - Bellaire is contacted to perform customized FCE’s from...

Alter G- The AntiGravity Treadmill

At Therapy SPOT - Bellaire, we help people change the way they live. Physical Therapy Evaluation Using the Alter G for Degenerative Disc Disease and Amputees AlterG, Inc. is dedicated to getting people moving.  Everyday, AlterG® is researching, innovating and...

Berg Balance Scale

Berg Balance Scale An assessment of measuring fall risk and balance Name First Last Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Patient Age 1. Sitting to standing 4- able to stand without using hands and stabilize independently 3- able to stand independently using hands 2- able to...

Gait Training

Gait Training What is Gait training? Gait training is learning how to walk in part or whole. Many people require gait training with diagnosis ranging from mild injury to major neurological disorders. Some of the most common reasons to seek gait analysis from a...

Geriatric Physical Therapy

Geriatric Physical Therapy OK I admit it, I’m a Senior Citizen. So What? I can do everything I need to do! You know your body better than anyone else and when something isn’t right, we can help make sense of what’s wrong. There are many changes that...

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